tja ... läget?

hol mår du?? jog mår bra! i'm at the pool right now and u know what...jogska pissa et poolen:) jawohl

no..i'm bored and i thought i write u something! it was a really funny day! my ass is fucked cause i jumped from the highest cliff today! i can't sit anymore! it sucks! slampa clif:)

but it was a really good day. we got a lot of fun and we going there 2mor again yeahhhh
we have to buy beer 2mor and get pissed;)

i got only 7 weeks left and than i have to go back into the vaterland an die front! gut das du blaue augen und blonde haare hast mein kamarad!

we got a funny shit good time...i think melbourbe was one of the best times in australia...definitely! and remember we are bracelet brothers! take it easy man! peace!

janne på luffen
Jan Hagen, gästskribent  (Redaktionens bild)

ha en bra dag buddy!

jog heter jan


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